Saturday, January 23, 2010

The teen years. I hear girls are even worse. Ok, so Will asks (note: not tells me) he wants to go into town today and check out a bookstore and said he would pick up some stuff for the house we need. Basically, laundry detergent and milk. I said that was fine. A little bit later he said he had invited Connor to come. Now, this is huge. Will voluntarily spending time with Connor, who drives him up the wall? Connor agreeing? I wasn't going to say no to brother time. Connor said he would like to go look for some clothes (it's what he asked for for his birthday). I said ok but he needed to take his phone and stay with Will within reason. They would be taking the bus. This would be a good thing for Connor to learn and Will was going to show him. They leave. I get a call from Will letting me know they had to take a later bus than he had planned because Connor didn't have the right change. Will sounded bugged since he had told Connor repeatedly what he needed. Will floated him the money for the bus. A few minutes later he calls back and says Connor had changed his mind and is not going on the bus after all and is staying in town instead of going to the book store and clothes store. Since they had to take a later bus Will told him the timing might be tight for him to go to the exact store Connor wanted to go to. There are of course oodles of other clothes stores nearby he could look at. Not good enough. He he can't do what he wants then forget it. So Connor left Will at the bus stop and walked off to the music store he usually goes to when he is in town. Did CONNOR call me to tell me of a change in plans? Something we have discussed frequently he needs to do. I am not usually going to tell him no. I understand when things happens like no bus or a friend doesn't show up or bad weather. I just want to know about any major changes. Connor not being with Will, not going to the next town over, being alone in the city and taking a different boat back is kind of on the big side. I tried to call him. He doesn't even have his phone on. grrr. What good is it if he keeps it off? He will only turn it on if HE needs to make a call. That is how egocentric his life is as the moment. I was so not in the mood for another chat tonight. Is this a trust building kind of move to make? More therapy fodder. Thank god Will thinks. I will bet you he will even come back with presents for me Sofie and Cade. Book for me and candy for them. I will let you guys know if he does. I just bet he will because that's the kind of kid he is. Connor? Well, he will come home with a game. He will have spent money he borrowed from someone else for something not needed instead of the clothes he needs. Place your bets everyone.


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